General policy for all church ministries: In accordance with the teachings of Christ, participation by potential workers in all the ministries of Community Fellowship Church is open to people of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin as long as they share in our fundamental faith values and doctrines. (See our CFC Statement of Faith).

Grace Christian School is rooted in the conviction that we need to provide our children with an education permeated with godly values with an emphasis on cultivating a personal relationship with Christ. Begun in 1980, GCS is now a complete pre-K through twelfth grade, ACSI/AdvanceEd accredited school designed to assist parents in the formal aspects of their children’s education. While the school is a ministry of Community Fellowship Church, it operates under the leadership of a board of trustees consisting of individuals selected from the larger, local faith community., Community Fellowship Church continues its strong support through finances and related resources. To learn more about GCS, click the following link: Grace Christian School
Trail Life USA is a church-based, Christ-centered, boy-focused mentoring and discipleship journey that speaks to the heart of a boy. Established on timeless values derived from the Bible and set in the context of outdoor adventure, boys from kindergarten through 12th grade are engaged in a troop setting by male mentors where they are challenged to grow in character, understand their purpose, serve their community, and develop practical leadership skills to carry out the mission for which they were created.
To learn more about Trail Life and connect with us, click on the following link: Trail Life USA
The mission of the CFC Youth Ministry is to partner with CFC families in providing encouragement, support, prayer, and practical parenting helps – to work together in a youth ministry that has the following emphases:
Building of positive relationships with peers and adult role-models.
Attending youth meetings which provide sound teaching, opportunity for worship and prayer, relevant discussion, and relational activities for enjoyment.
Knowing Jesus Christ personally as Lord and Savior.
Growing to love His Word.
Becoming grounded in the Scriptures and Christian disciplines that will encourage spiritual growth.
Understanding the importance of the local church.
Serving others.
Standing strong in a Christian worldview to face cultural challenges.
The CFC children’s ministry exists to:
1. Come alongside the parents in helping their children to build a strong foundation in the Word of God so that they will come to know and follow hard after the Lord.
2. Foster an atmosphere in our church body that welcomes children as a vital part of our church meetings and overall community life together.
We want our children to discover the joy of being a part of God’s grand plan of redemption and to grow in their desire for His word and in their relationship with Him as they come to understand God’s story from beginning to end.
Monthly “Band of Brothers” meetings are designed as a time for the men of the church to come together for prayer, learning, and serving together. These meetings include sharing biblical truth in an effort to challenge each other as disciples of Jesus, but also to challenge one another in being godly leaders, workers, husbands, and fathers. A key aspect of the men’s ministry is working together in various projects designed to serve those in the church and the local community. Beyond monthly meetings, the men enjoy camping trips, men’s conferences, and working together to serve those in need.
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and as far as the remotest part of the earth. – Acts 1:8
Engage • Encourage • Equip

Engage: Promote an intergenerational community of women walking with one another in Biblical relationships in a sincere, welcoming environment.
Encourage: Provide opportunities for intentional, transformational Bible study, mentorship, discipleship, service, fellowship, encouragement, and prayer in order to strengthen the spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical lives of women.
Equip Equip women to live Christ-honoring lives, identify and develop spiritual gifts, defend the faith, and fulfill the Great Commission.
Throughout our history, we have been involved with international ministries as part of fulfilling Jesus’ command to His followers in the Great Commission. While we periodically have sent ministry teams in support of these ministries, we believe native workers are best positioned to reach those in their unique local culture and, thus, we concentrate on supporting them. Over many years, we have cultivated a relationship with two particular ministries, one in Uganda and the other in India.
The Champions ministry houses over 1,000 Ugandan orphans and underprivileged children and operates a corresponding school providing these children with an education preparing them as productive Ugandan citizens and Christian witnesses. CFC provides the primary financial support for this vital ministry, and we believe it is quite a privilege for us to be extensively involved in their support.
We also are a primary supporter of a local Indian pastor, Martin Luther, and his congregation. They carry on an active outreach to many widows, orphans, lepers and other lower caste members of Indian society. Many have come to Christ through this ministry.
We support other overseas ministries from time to time, as we sense the Spirit’s special leading.